There are many models of libraries sold in the past. You may need to refer to an online user manual or navigate through the menu to find power settings. Some libraries will be able to prompt a reboot if you press the power button initially.
There are many models of libraries sold in the past. You may need to refer to an online user manual or navigate through the menu to find power settings. Some libraries will be able to prompt a reboot if you press the power button initially.
Physical Buttons
From the Home screen, press Previous or Next until the screen displays Operations. Press Enter to select.
Press Previous or Next until the screen displays Reboot Library. Press Enter to select.
IBM and other various Manufacturers
- From the System page of the management GUI, select Actions > Reset Library.
- Click Yes when the Reset Library warning dialog displays to continue with the library reset.
Remote Access/Reboot: The library must be connected to your network infrastructure via an ethernet cable. You cannot directly connect this cable straight to the server. This must be connected to a switch or a router.
Option 1.
1. The IP of the library will be found in the on screen menu when scrolling through network settings to display and IP address.
2. Use the IP and put into the browser and you will be prompted for a user log in. You will need to refer to user manual or search online for manufacturer's default password.
Option 2. If you are not able to identify the IP address, you will need to scan the network for the IP address for the library when connected to the network.
1. Download and Install Advanced IP Scanner:
2. Scan for the IP address. The library will likely be listed under the manufacturer brand name.
3. Use the IP and put into the browser and you will be prompted for a user log in. You will need to refer to user manual or search online for manufacturer's default password.
4. Navigate through the interface to find a power control option or reset.
When a library is rebooted, you will need to restart the Task Services for the library to recognize in the Platform UI. If this does not work, you may need to reboot the server.