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Some or all my users cannot log in and permissions resets are not working. What do I do?

The items below must be done by an on-site IT team. Promax cannot perform these as these are domain specific and Promax does not have credentials/access to make changes.

This is a very specific issue with AD Joined units.  An AD joined unit is when you have specific user accounts that your organization has in place so your user login, emails, and so forth are all tied together.

Microsoft has deployed updates recently to all Windows machines that are causing all Windows machines to have trouble communicating with each other and their AD controller.

This is something that Promax cannot fix and requires your organization's internal IT team that manages servers to fix as Promax cannot do this remotely nor do we have control or access to your infrastructure.

1. Unjoin the server and rejoin it to your domain.  You must do this the old fashioned way with renaming the workgroup.  https://support.promax.com/en/knowledge/how-do-i-join/rejoin-my-domain

You cannot use Powershell and do this on the fly.  Believe us.  We have tried this and had clients ask and they have tried as well.  Powershell cannot handle this scenario and just does not work.

2. Your IT staff will need to log into all Windows AD devices and apply all items from this Microsoft document: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4557222/how-to-manage-the-changes-in-netlogon-secure-channel-connections-assoc

All devices must be looked into for the Event ID's listed and adjusted for Net Logon.