Release Notes v5.8.5.7008 - Stability fixes, Windows Server 2022 support, MediaHub AD member role.

A major Platform/Mediahub Release that enhances overall stability and enables Mediahub systems to join an AD.

Released 07/24/24

Supported Platform Server OS Images

  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 11 Pro (Mediahub and Studio only)
  • Windows 10 Pro (Mediahub only)

Supported Workstation OS

  • Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise
  • Windows 11 Pro and Enterprise
  • Mac OS Sonoma 14.1
  • Mac OS Ventura 13.6
  • MacOS Monterey 12.5
  • MacOS Big Sur 11.6.8
  • MacOS Catalina 10.15.7

Version History and Release Notes


  • Resolved: Storage Group, Project Spaces initialization fix
  • Resolved: Enhanced Search where results were not propagating from the database.
  • Resolved: Treeview was not functioning for online data searches
  • Resolved: FCPX spaces failed to initialize
  • Resolved: License validation before Cloud Backup or Archive operations was being skipped
  • Resolved: Mac volume based mounting resolved for newer Mac OS
  • MediaHub devices can now support joining an existing AD


  • Enhanced Mac Mounting
    •    Standardized Mac Mount Location to Volumes
    •    Customizable Mount Locations 
  • Sync WAN Optimizations
    •   Multi-Stream TCP
    •   Send and Receive Buffer Tuning
    •   Increased I/O capacity

  • Resolved: File Versioning is being set on reboot even if it's being explicitly turned off 
  • Resolved: Incorrect Context Menu Option in Project Spaces Page
  • Resolved: Checking for updates should prioritize QA channel over other channels
  • Resolved: Outdated Version of Mac Listener in Downloads Page
  • Resolved: Drive letters not freed up after project space deletion
  • Resolved: database update failure during installation
  • Resolved: "No Storage Group Detected" Message
  • Resolved: Unable to Reset Search Index from Project Spaces page
  • Resolved: Pagination Reset Issue on Project Spaces Page


  •  Enable File Versioning in sync folders
  • Resolve Update Service Issues
  • Set default ignore pattern on new spaces
  • Resolved: Cannot Change Project Space Size After Creation
  • Resolved: Indexing causes Task Service to crash and restart
  • Resolved: Specific File / Folder Moves are not working
  • Resolved: Metadata on files are cleared after reindex


  • Added - Allow users to auto-accept share invites from known devices
  • Added - Add an "Ignore" Option to inviting devices and spaces
  • Added - Add Sync status Tool Tips to Devices
  • Added - Improve responsiveness/Feedback of actions taken in the Sync page
  • Resolved - Mac Listener: File appears in project space level of ProMAX Platform drive after automount
  • Resolved - Sync By Project Space - Show only active device not working
  • Resolved - Missing output location when copying and moving project spaces
  • Resolved - Address the issue where sync service needs to be manually restarted after updating the auto-accept value
  • Resolved - Platforms with an Areca controller failing to web service update


  • Added – Installer is now verified in Windows and MacOS
  • Added - UI Updates: Rename Platform Spaces to Project Spaces
  • Added - Sync header with Device name, ID button, and current speeds
  • Added – Sync Page
  • Added – Sync by Project Space Tab
  • Added – Sync by Device Tab
  • Added – Link Devices Functionality
  • Added – Sync Project Spaces Functionality
  • Added – Sync Page status tooltips
  • Added - Pause All Devices
  • Added - Pause Device
  • Added - Pause All Sync's
  • Added - Pause Sync
  • Added - Remove Sync Device
  • Added - Add New Device
  • Added - Device firewall rules for sync service
  • Added - Permissions screen text change - Replace "Set all to modify" with "Set all to Read/Write"
  • Added - Log files too big, added rolling log files that automatically truncate
  • Added - Task Service Stack Trace Error messaging
  • Added - Performance Screen - Move Tape performance tab to Tape screen and remove Performance screen entirely
  • Added - Contains (List) and Contains search operators should be combined.
  • Updated - Update transcode engine
  • Resolved - When A large number of Sync's are present, the Home web service is using unusually high CPU, and creating a lot of log files
  • Resolved - Advanced Search Fields of the same type mirror their text field
  • Resolved - Restore Tape is not restoring tape contents.
  • Resolved - Restoring Files/Folders from Tape is not restoring Files/Folders beneath selected folder
  • Resolved - Restore Tape is missing Project Spaces Pull Down
  • Resolved - Project Spaces are not displaying in Restore Files From Tape Pull Down
  • Resolved - Javascript Error when Restoring from Tape in Search Screen
  • Resolved - When using existing Saved Search, the search field are not getting added to the UI
  • Resolved - Entering the correct password is not being accepted by the Eject Storage Group feature
  • Resolved - Reindexing is Stuck indexing Status but No Task
  • Resolved - Home Web service maxing out CPU when Sync Service is started
  • Resolved – Sync File Versioning values getting reverted from set value on reboot
  • Resolved - Incorrect search result when using the Contains search operator in advanced search window
  • Resolved - Unable to modify the search criteria properly in advanced search window
  • Resolved - Task Service not able to restart from the UI on multinode systems
  • Resolved - Sync Service Log Growth
  • Resolved - Cannot Restart Services on Subnode
  • Resolved - Tape Tasks are not displaying in Task Screen
  • Resolved - When Installing a new instance, 'Admin' is not getting access to sync until they log out and log back in to refresh feature permissions


  • Added - Platform Log Truncation
  • Added - Build First Use Welcome Page
  • Added - Update Sync Admin Section
  • Resolved - Move Dialog Not showing speeds and the ability to schedule the task
  • Resolved - High CPU usage with Sync service and home web service when Sync service is running
  • Resolved - Folder Sync's not updating
  • Resolved - Messages are not being removed when pending folder is removed
  • Resolved - Messages are not refreshing on folder changes
  • Resolved - When adding a new device, modal window does not go away on success
  • Resolved - After Converting to Sync Space, no sync task is created
  • Resolved - Notifications are not working
  • Resolved - Sync Status should be sync'd when there are no files present
  • Resolved - Create Platform Space, storage group size not being populated
  • Resolved - Slow Performance on Init (Platform Spaces)
  • Resolved - LTO System cannot read LTFS formatted tapes written in Yoyatta
  • Resolved - Error Setting Tape Label in Tape Properties


  • Resolved - Proxy server custom location bug fix
  • Resolved - Adobe Panels Would Not Install


  • Add Amazon Glacier to Supported Cloud Providers
  • Resolved - On platform log in, check sync service and verify that the current user is the 'admin' and update accordingly
  • Resolved - On Log in, resolved media hub's going to the sync page with no conflicts
  • Security related changes to Sync Service
  • On Console Install Success, Restart the Platform Services now allows the services to get the new network connections
  • Resolved - Group Permissions Not Applying
  • Added the ability to turn on and off metadata extraction from the admin screen
  • Resolved - When platform spaces screen first appears, clicking on a space to mount does nothing
  • Resolved - Unlocking a space that was locked in a previous 5.7 version seems to fail/go forever
  • Resolved - Search Screen - when moving a single folder to another space/group, it uses the non-task transfer method even if the folder contains 1000 files
  • Updated Platform Spaces Screen Behaviors for more consistent experience
  • Resolved - When Changing Items per page on the Platform spaces screen, screen is not refreshing or updating
  • Resolved - In search screen - Moving a single folder with 100 items is treated as a non-task job and holds up the interface for a long time
  • Resolved - When Moving Multiple Platform Spaces from the search screen, multiple tasks are not being created


  • Resolved - Media Hub Sync Service Check Failing
  • Resolved - Platform Spaces Not Mounting


  • Added ability to set Connection to DHCP or Static IP via Connections screen
  • Added Active Directory Single Sign on for Windows based workstations


  • Added - When Transcoding a file that already exists in the output directory, append _01 to the file name
  • Added - Alert The users when a storage group name has special characters resulting in proxies not showing up properly in search
  • Added - Password requirement notes when creating new user
  • Resolved - Advanced Search AutoFill Box Incompletes Search
  • Resolved - Checkboxes select/deselect when clicking on the accompanying text is inconsistent
  • Resolved - Duplicate items in the 'Notifications' tab of the administration section.
  • Resolved - Search Screen LTO Tape Restore Issue


  • Added – Updated to cleaner Platform Space Page Layout
  • Added - Switch to disable single sign on behavior
  • Added - Admin>Connections tab needs a wifi "Rescan for networks" button
  • Added - Add "Reset User Password" to individual user accounts
  • Updates to syncthing engine
  • Resolved - Enumerating Files/Folders in sub web service is failing on long file paths.
  • Resolved - The system cannot Initialize if a sub node is offline for any reason
  • Resolved - Updating Quota on Platform Space that does not have a quota currently set fails and locks up UI
  • Resolved - Import Platform Spaces not creating Quota Correctly (Missing)
  • Resolved - When Moving a Platform Space, the previous Platform Space entry is not getting removed, causing duplicates.
  • Resolved - When moving Proxy locations, the Creating Task Dialog is getting stuck, task is not being created.
  • Resolved - Platform Space Mount mapping to Proxy Directory in certain instances
  • Resolved - When Turning Off Dedup, the task is failing.
  • Resolved - Filtering on Permissions by User, Platform spaces is not working unless manual refresh is requested.
  • Resolved - Dismounting is not working when logging out and selecting dismount all Platform Spaces
  • Resolved - AD SSO Security updates and fixes
  • Resolved - Duration not displaying correctly in search UI
  • Resolved - ProMAX Services not respecting the reset cache call
  • Resolved - Duplicate Platform Spaces still appearing in Permissions Page
  • Resolved - Login Speed of SSO is slower than before, need to improve this
  • Resolved - Mediahub Console Installer needs to be able to install as other than Admin account


  • Resolved - Wifi Table, sort on signal percentage, high to low
  • Resolved - Space "Availability" is incorrect based on free space on respective SG
  • Resolved - Default Platform Space setting does not add spaces to existing users when set to "allow" in


  • Resolved - Platform Space Sync's where not being created when size was 0 bytes
  • Resolved - Missing Platform Spaces when share is not already created.
  • Resolved - Convert NIC to static still throwing error


  • Resolved - NIC's are not reporting back as 'Static' after converting them to static. Leaves them in a condition where it cannot be set back to DHCP


  • Resolved several permissions and security related issues


  • Resolved - Reset Platform Spaces by Storage Group not applying user permissions


  • Resolved - Error when restoring from Cloud via S3 compatible bucket
  • Resolved - Cloud Restore dialog does not display any Platform spaces in "Restore Location" Dropdown
  • Resolved - Mirror: When using 'See More' on the Mirror blow out menu, the system is trying to execute the 'Move' command.
  • Resolved – Occasionally Listener Cannot login from workstation, javascript error
  • Resolved – Occasionally Creating a New Platform Space Throws Error - Unable to Locate Space


  • Resolved - Media hubs not persisting users between login and logout.
  • Resolved - Cache-a TOC Import issues


  • Resolved - When adding an existing Platform Space, 2 entries are being create, 1 is good, the other is displaying the Drive letter as the storage group
  • Resolved - Permissions Show All does not list All Platform Spaces
  • Resolved - Duplicates displaying in add potential platform spaces
  • Resolved - Group and Feature Permissions Unable to Retain Settings Nor Adjust
  • Resolved - Moving a Space to Another Storage Group Does Not Add Space to UI
  • Resolved - When Copying Platform Spaces and Platform Space is not indexable, do not apply metadata


  • Resolved - Search Screen "contains (list)" option has no associated textbox for entry
  • Resolved - Remove inactive platform spaces in permission page


  • Resolved - Contains (list) is back in .35
  • Resolved - Fix UI: Remove Groups is not working, No modal window is being displayed to initiate a task.


  • Updated syncthing engine in build image.
  • Resolved - Killsync task in 5.8 adjusted for better stability
  • Security updates and fixes


  • Changed - Performance Screen - Move Tape performance tab to Tape screen and remove Performance screen entirely
  • Resolved - Refreshing platform client removes the left nav
  • Resolved - Mount/Dismount all spaces does not work
  • Resolved - New Spaces are not populating immediately
  • Resolved - Wrong Progress Percentage on Task Page
  • Security updates and fixes