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I try to connect to Platform but seeing a 503 Error. What do I do?
This article applies only if you have confirmed that you have an active connection to the server and that there were no passwords changed.
1. Log into the server locally or using a remote desktop session.
2. Click on the Start Menu button and search for 'IIS'.
3. Click on the left menu items where it says Platform1 and then on the right side, Restart the service. Wait about 1-2 minutes.
4. Then click on the Application Pools.
5. Select the first ProMAXAppPool and Recycle the AppPool. Then do the 2nd AppPool and recycle that as well. Wait for another 1-2 minutes and then try to log into Platform again.
The UI should be populating the Storage Groups and Project Spaces. An error may pop up if you try to log in too early as it may still be loading all the services. Wait a little longer and try again.